The Importance of Optimising Your Amazon Listings for Conversion


Published on

14 June 2022


For businesses who aren’t working with an agency and have off-site or retail marketing efforts that need attending, it may seem an arduous task to populate Amazon product pages/listings. And many businesses task someone in-house to add the SKU list to Amazon, fill in the basics and then run ads and other off-site promotions to encourage purchases.

However, your customers are looking for information, comparisons, unique features and benefits that make your products a better alternative than others.

Amazon has made features available to Sellers that place your products in front of shoppers. These enable you to show your products in an easily understandable format – guaranteed to improve your organic ranking, increase your product page conversion rate, campaign performance, and drive sales and brand recognition on Amazon.

In the webinar, RT7Digital Senior Copywriter and Amazon Content Specialist Danielle Visser talks about optimising your Amazon titles, bullet points, images and A+ Content for your Amazon product listings to drive conversion.

For a quick overview of the webinar, this blog highlights:  

  • Understanding your Amazon customer: marketplace, customer, competitor and keyword research.

  • The 5 elements of an optimised Amazon listing: bullet points, images and video, product descriptions and A+ Content.

Understanding your Amazon customer

Before creating your product listings, it’s important to understand your Amazon customer, competitors, the Amazon marketplace and product categories you’ll be selling in, and the words or phrases (keywords) used by shoppers when they search for products like yours. 

Thorough research has a huge part in the success of your product listing pages and conversions. 

Begin your research by looking at your customers, competitors, and market information. Then look at the Amazon marketplace where you’re selling your products: in which category or path will your product be listed? Who are the competitors in this category? What do they do well?

Customer reviews and frequently asked questions are also a good indication of what shoppers are looking for.  

Use the information together with keyword research to create your product listings. 

Your research should answer a few questions: 

  • What are the best market practices in your marketplace? 

  • How do your products place in your chosen marketplace compared to competitors?

  • Are there special considerations when you list products in a specific category?

  • What words and phrases do shoppers use when they look for products like yours?

  • And which ones are your competitors targeting?

  • Then, how will you use your brand guidelines: style and tone, assets and product information in your Amazon content?

The 5 Elements of an Optimised Amazon Product Listing

Once you have a solid understanding of customers’ needs, the marketplace, competitors and how shoppers search for products like yours, you can begin creating content for your product pages.

Optimise Your Amazon Product Title 

Amazon uses your titles to index and rank your products. The Amazon marketplace is highly competitive, and Amazon is dedicated to providing its customers with the best experience. 

So, when Amazon displays results after a product search, they want to ensure that the product is relevant to what shoppers are looking for, which will likely motivate them to purchase and leave them satisfied with the products bought. 

For you, the product title is an opportunity to rank high on the Amazon search results and increase the visibility of your products. 

There’s a simple formula you can use to start writing your titles. 

In 150 – 200 characters for desktop include Brand name – Product Variation – 2-3 relevant, high volume keywords – Product Variables: Size, Colour, Quantity.

The mobile view will display around 80 characters, so ensure your brand, product name, and the most relevant keyword are listed first. 

Create Bullet Points 

Once you’ve crafted your title, you can create your five bullet points. Your product bullet points will give shoppers information about the features and benefits of your products – and answer questions such as:

  • What does this product do?  

  • Is it for me?

  • Who makes it? 

  • Does it offer unique benefits as opposed to competitors?

  • And how does it solve a need, want or problem I have?

Information in the bullet points also needs to be optimised – that is, work keywords into the copy. 

An easy formula to guide your writing process is: 

  • Bullet 1: Why, What, Who

  • Bullet 2: USP 1 – feature/benefit

  • Bullet 3: USP 2

  • Bullet 4: USP 3

  • Bullet 5: USP 4

A good structure per bullet point is to name the product feature and then explain the benefit. 

Write a Product Description 

Once you’ve written your bullet points, you can expand on your product benefits and USPs in your product description. Speak about your brand, additional information such as how to use the product, special instructions, safety precautions, and secondary or supporting USPs not mentioned in the bullet points. 

An easy way to write your description is to create sections with headings and speak to an aspect of your brand or product in each section. Use bullet points to display your USPs to catch the shopper’s eye.

Include Product Images and Video

Amazon places a lot of emphasis on adding clear, high-quality images and videos to your product listings. Shoppers like to see products before they buy them; in an online environment, visuals are the only way to show customers what they’ll receive. 

You can also include infographics that highlight key features, benefits or USPs. And use lifestyles to show the product in different scenarios; what it would be like to own or use your products. 

Design A+ Content

A+ Content looks similar to traditional advertorials where product images, lifestyles and copy are used to drive product or brand awareness. However, A+ Content is also very much used to drive conversion, traffic, and sales and includes USP call outs and product tables to cross-sell products in your range. 

A+ Content helps create brand consistency across your marketing and sales channels on and off Amazon and is another touchpoint for shoppers to interact with your product. 

When you design your A+ Content, you can select from Amazon’s pre-designed modules and populate it with your product copy, USPs, brand story and interesting designs.


According to the latest Jungle Scout report, consumers are generally buying less. However, they are still making purchases that offer value, quality, and unique features that speak to their needs and wants or solve their problems and optimised product listings will help them find those products. 

Move your company from where it is to where it wants to be.

At RT7 Digital, we’re committed to helping you utilise Amazon’s latest platform features and consumer trends. We have first-hand experience from years of selling our own products on the Amazon marketplace and bring this knowledge to our clients. Our tried-and-tested methods allow us to guide you in making data-driven decisions about your current and future Amazon business.

Need help with your Amazon listings? Contact us for a commitment-free Amazon audit.

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