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Packmate - clever storage solutions.

Account | Paid | Organic

Packmate product shot
Packmate product shot
Packmate product shot


The brief

We aimed to help create a strong brand presence and ownership for Packmate on Amazon in the UK market, along with generating sales through organic optimisation and paid advertising (campaign management).

Our approach

Packmate was a brand that already existed on Amazon UK; our approach with them was to do an account clean-up for them where we make sure that products are correctly linked to Packmates storefront and brand. We set up their listings into logical variations to improve user experience when shopping and boost sales/conversions.

We optimised their listings for Amazon search and conversion, including creating infographic image assets. We changed their titles, bullet points, and product descriptions that utilise keyword research, and highlighted the main selling points of each product. We also handled the upload process of the new content onto each listing.

We created A+ content using assets provided from their product and marketing image library. We created a Packmate storefront to use as a platform to tell their brand story that reflects their website and brand voice over time. We manage all sponsored listings, where we ensure we are managing the spend within the agreed budget, and target agreed ACoS / ROI.

The results

In just two months, we achieved a sales increase of 86.68%. We managed to decrease the ACoS by 26.57% in just 2 months.

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2 Leman Street,

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2 Leman Street,

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2 Leman Street,